
You might be wondering who I am.

A longer bio:


I’m a Software Engineer by profession, currently pursuing graduate studies at both McGill University and MILA, under the supervision of Prof. David Rolnick. My research interests lie at the intersection of Machine Learning and Climate Change, focusing on both mitigation strategies and adaptation methods.

In the summer of 2022, I had the opportunity to intern with the IBM Research Africa team, where I contributed to projects in Accelerated Discovery for climate and sustainability using remote sensing data.

Prior to that, I served as a Machine Learning Developer on the R&D team at Sama, primarily focusing on Computer Vision technologies. During 2020, I also took on the role of research intern at the Mila - Quebec AI Institute, working under Prof. Yoshua Bengio. My projects involved applied Machine Learning for climate change mitigation, as well as exploring the humanitarian applications of AI.

My ultimate goal is to harness the power of Machine Intelligence for the betterment of society, particularly in Africa. To this end, most of my research is aimed in this direction. I’m an active member of several organizations, including the non-profit Sunbird AI, which is an African technology initiative focused on developing open, practical AI systems for community benefit. I am also involved with Data Science Africa and the Deep Learning Indaba Communities.

If you’re interested in collaborating or have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

I am constantly learning.

Here is my CV